Transformed lives. Thriving churches.
An end to UK poverty.
Free Debt Advice
In partnership with award-winning charity Christians Against Poverty, we offer free debt advice to anyone in need of it in the Maidenhead area.
By working with CAP, we can bring hope and a solution to anyone suffering from the impact of debt. We help anyone regardless of their faith, beliefs or background and whatever the level of debt they are trying to manage.
For more about how CAP can help and how we work, please visit the CAP website
For an appointment with our CAP Centre please call our freephone appointment line 0800 328 0006.
For more information on the Maidenhead Centre and volunteer opportunities please contact our Centre Manager Gary Jones.

Money Coaching by CAP
Money coaching is a free service designed to empower you with the knowledge, skills, tools and confidence to better manage your finances. Anyone can benefit – from seasoned budgeting experts to those struggling to get to grips with their spending.
Syd is a local in Maidenhead and part of our River Church Family. He has a fantastic story to share from his journey with CAP and you can check it out below!

In need of Help?
If you’re feeling cut off from others or in need of some practical support, do let us know how we can help.

Gary Jones
CAP Debt Centre Manager
Gary became the manager of our debt centre in July 2019. He has a huge heart for those who are in need and suffering. Gary has seen over 145 households supporting many to become debt free.
Gary’s favourite part of his role is praying with clients and through that and the support given, seeing them regain hope which starts the process of their lives being transformed.

Janet Tinkler
CAP Debt Coach
Janet joined the team in February 2023. Over the last year she’s trained as a Debt Coach and loved spending time with people. Listening to their story and leading them through the CAP process. Janet loves the wow moments when someone goes debt free but also loves to give the time to drink coffee and chat chat chat!
We are always on the look out for volunteers to partner with us, joining Gary or Janet on client visits as a befriender. To find out more about what this entails and to sign up please contact Gary or Janet, alternatively sign up below.
To give to the work of CAP by bank transfer or standing order, the details are:
Acc: 00013816
Sort: 40-52-40
Ref: CAP Debt Centre
£80 per month | Funds the entire process for 1 person. |
£60 per month | Pays for a client to get free through bankruptcy. |
£40 per month | Supports a client to receive one on one support that is unique to CAP. |
£20 per month | Helps one client to have professional financial advice prepared for them. |
£1 per month | Contributes to the work of CAP and supports the mission. |