Jesus said, ‘‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’’
Matthew 19:14
Children are a valuable part of River Church and we have a number of groups for children aged 0-11 years old.
After they have been registered with our team on arrival, we like to start our service with all our kids and adults engaging in worship together and then the children and youth go out to their groups after about 20 minutes where they will enjoy time to connect, play games, sing and look at Bible stories.
We are passionate about working alongside parents in discipling their children. We want to help nurture faith, teach them who God is, encourage them to encounter God – and have lots of fun along the way!
River Tots
Under 4s
Our group for the very youngest members of our River Family. A safe space for our little ones to play with toys, sing some songs, have a bible story.
River Kids
5 – 11s
This group is for our Primary School aged children. We worship together, play games, do crafts and activities and explore the Bible together.
11 +
Our teenagers have their own gathering, often leaving the main meeting after the worship. During their time together they will take the opportunity to catch up, study the bible or discuss a topic and challenge each other… all with the support of a leader to help guide and disciple. We also host an Edge small group that meets mid-week in someone’s home.
All of our work with children is staffed and run according to Child Protection guidelines by members of the congregation.

Larchfield Ladybirds
A playgroup for parents and little ones on Wednesdays during term time from
10-11.30 in the Larchfield Community Centre, Maidenhead.
Our young people of secondary school age belong to Edge, which is a youth group that meets on Tuesday evenings, 7:30 – 9:30. In Edge we create space for community, in depth times of teaching, sharing and friendship and we enjoy eating together! If you would like to join us or for more information please contact Adam.

A place for young people to encounter Jesus, take part in outdoor activities, create life long friends and receive quality teaching, worship and discipleship.

Bethani Chisnall
Children & Families Worker
Beth has been working for River since 2018 heading up youth and children’s work. Since returning to work after maternity leave, Beth re-focused her role to Children and Families and loves to support parents in bringing faith into the home.