We recognise that finance is one of the obstacles we need to overcome to make this miracle building our home. Our God is bigger than all our challenges and will guide us, lead us and prepare the way.

At River, we believe giving is part of our worship, a way of showing trust to God and opening up to Him allowing God to have full access to all areas of our life, including our finances.

Alongside your giving we are pursuing other ways of seeking finance… grants from other charities who support churches purchasing and developing property, businesses looking to invest in local charities reaching out and supporting the local community, and the council/government, who have funds for community buildings and charities making a difference in their local town.

If you are aware of any charities, companies, businesses or opportunities for us to receive finance from, please do contact me, I would love to hear from you.


There are three key ways you can support the building project; Gift, Pledge and Loan (Living Legacy). Below you will see a full outline of what each of these are, if you have any questions please contact me below.
To support us you can follow the “GIVE” link below to make a commitment.

With any of your giving, please be assured, every penny given into this designated fund can and will only be spent on our miracle building, as controlled by our Trustees.


You can give a one off sum to our Designated Miracle Building Fund. This is easiest done via a bank transfer online to the bank details below. Alternatively, if you attend our church gathering on a Sunday morning you can request a DESIGNATED GIVING envelope and place a donation of cash or a cheque inside.

CAF Bank / Account No: 00013816 / Sort Code: 40-52-40.
Please reference “MIRACLE BUILDING”.


By making a pledge to support this mission, you are notifying us of your intention to support this project long term with a standing order. We may require to apply for a commercial mortgage and your written pledge to support River by a given amount per month over a stated time frame will help us in attaining this mortgage.
Your pledge to support goes beyond the potential of applying and paying off a commercial mortgage. We will have repayments on the building to make and your pledges will help us ensure we can meet those commitments.


If you are able to make a one off or regular gift to our miracle building, are you able to gift aid your donation? If you are a UK tax payer then you are eligible to gift aid your donation. It will boost your giving by 25%! For every £1 you give, our charity reclaims another 25p from the government… It costs you nothing!

If you have not filled out a gift aid declaration for River Church before then please do click this link to access the online form. You can find out more about giving to River Church here.

Please note, the church cannot recover more money in gift aid as you, an individual has paid in tax. You may need to consider this and notify us if gift aiding your donation.


After we have gathered all our gifts, grants and donations together we may well still have a gap between our balance and the total sum required. To support us you could offer an interest free loan to bring us to our target. We are trying to avoid commercial borrowing, the interest and capital making the repayments a longer process and we will have more to pay back taking away from the effective use of recourses.

If there is still a gap we will borrow to meet our target.

The intention will be to pay these generous loans back in a timely manner, keeping communication with those who have loaned to us frequently and transparently. If there are time restrictions noted in advance or problems occur while River still holds your finance we will work with you effectively and efficiently.
If we end up borrowing from a commercial lender we intend to pay this back in full before beginning the process of paying back the interest free loans.

Loans will only needed to be given to River once Jubilee CC have won their bid, and the process is moving forward. (We will contact you)


If you would like to contact us with regard to any gifts, pledges or loans before you commit financially then please use the button above. We would love to answer any questions you might have or discuss any thoughts you have.