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June 2022 • Belinda Dixon

I painted this picture during a worship evening at Altwood School.
I had the image in my mind and knew how I wanted it to look, and for once what I painted was close to the image in my mind.
It is painted in acrylics on canvas.
I felt that the extended worship session and my response to the worship, really helped the piece come together.
As I painted I felt a real sense of excitement and hope rising. I nearly called it ‘Hope’ but it was about more than that, it was about God breaking through in a powerful way into your life, and new beginnings. Hence the title ‘Breakthrough’.
Many people responded to it; but I knew who it was for, which does sometimes happen. Fortunately she approached me to talk about it so I was able to pray with her and give it to her.
It is always lovely to be able to chat to people and hear their insights and interpretations of a painting. I will usually ask what someone feels about the picture before explaining what I feel The Lord is saying, because I often learn from them as God speaks to each of us differently.

Bee has been painting since 2003. Though not formally trained in art, she responded to paint prophetically after being introduced to it.
“Painting during a service is the easiest time to paint and does feel like a form of worship. Sometimes I have an idea of what I may paint, sometimes just a colour in my mind, occasionally no idea until I start which is a bit scary.”