Adam Chisnall
Church Leader
Adam joined the leadership team back in 2018 and became co-leader alongside Ceri in 2021. After a three year handover, Adam was commissioned into leadership in January 2024. Looking ahead into his leadership, Adam is excited to see what God is going to do in River Church!

Bethani Chisnall
Head of Childrens & Families
Beth has been sitting on the leadership team and working for River heading up the Youth and Children’s work since 2018. Since returning to work after maternity leave, Beth re-focused her role to Children and Families and loves to support parents in bringing faith into the home.

Heike West
Adminstration Lead
Heike is the latest addition to our leadership team, sitting with us since May 2023.
Heike is gifted with administration skills that outrank us all and without her our church diary would fall apart within days! Not only blessed with this super power, Heike can knock up a yummy cake at the drop of a hat, and looks after our social media pages! So drop us a “like” or a thumbs up!

Daniel King
Leadership Team
Dan joined the leadership team back in March 2022. He has a huge heart for teaching and has helped prepare and deliver many of our teaching series since then.

(Honorary) Leadership Team
Bear has been a loyal member of the leadership team for the last 2 years.
He has really stepped up since adopting the title of “Head of Meet & Greet” offering a warm welcome to all that come to Adam & Beth’s home.
Bear enjoys long walks and strokes behind the ears.

Gary Jones
CAP Debt Centre Manager
Gary became the manager of our debt centre in July 2019. He has a huge heart for those who are in need and suffering. Gary has seen over 145 households supporting many to become debt free.
Gary’s favourite part of his role is praying with clients and through that and the support given, seeing them regain hope which starts the process of their lives being transformed.

Janet Tinkler
CAP Debt Coach
Janet joined the team in February 2023. Over the last year she’s trained as a Debt Coach and loved spending time with people. Listening to their story and leading them through the CAP process. Janet loves the wow moments when someone goes debt free but also loves to give the time to drink coffee and chat chat chat!

The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ.
1 Corinthians 12:12
Our team also work together with our River Trustees, who oversee the central works, strategy, finance and other practical aspects of the four churches. The trustees love serving River in this way and are whole-heartedly committed to seeing River fulfil its God-given calling. Our trustees work hard behind the scenes meaning most of their work goes unnoticed, but we love to honour their hard work and dedication.

Mike Holt
(Chair of Trustees)

Lina Read

Alistair Handford

Mary Porter

Graham Burgess

Ruth Parry

Nigel Rivers (Treasurer)

Rachel Smith (Admin)